
rns avatar image
rns asked

p1 port as energy meter for multiplus

Is it possible to connect / read the p1 port of my grid energy meter as readings for my multiplus II so avoiding to buy the vitron energy meter. My electric panel is almost completely filled and would like to keep the limited space left for future heatpump and/or solar upgrades. It would also avoid to buy an expensive energy meter while the data is already available.

Can anyone help please ?

Multiplus-IIESSEnergy Meter
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4 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Not officially, but maybe you can find something in the modifications space or you can write a script for your own:

But the easiest and official way is to use one of the supported grid meters.

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rns avatar image rns commented ·
Thanks for the answer but realy would like to integrate the digitial grid meter. Current is measured now already multiple times by multiple devices. The electric panel is getting full.

It would just be nice to integrate all those smart devices and not add even more meters to the panel doing the exact same thing ;-)

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tdupas avatar image tdupas rns commented ·
Do you still want to do this? I connected the cerbo to the P1 meter with some custom scripting for a few days to test it out, seemed to work fine. I have to pull a cable now from the DSMR meter (in garage) to technical room to hook it to the live system, will be something for this weekend.

And script is a bit rudimentary, will probably rewrite it :-)

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wout991 avatar image wout991 tdupas commented ·
Im interested! Did this work?
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Henk Termeer avatar image Henk Termeer tdupas commented ·

I'm interested to!

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tdupas avatar image tdupas Henk Termeer commented ·
@wout991 @Henk Termeer apologies, I thought I would get email notifications from the forum, so missed this.

Yes, it's working fine for a few months now in 2 setups (fingers crossed). Installation is manual for now, intend to make a package for it.

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rolandrrr avatar image rolandrrr tdupas commented ·
Hi did you make the script yourself or can I find it online?

Let me know any updates on this, it would be very useful. No need for all kinds of extra meters.

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marc-heide avatar image
marc-heide answered ·

Found this on github



still testing, next week i will proceed testing with an multiplus ii

knipsel.jpg (16.5 KiB)
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rolandrrr avatar image rolandrrr commented ·
Is it working as expected?
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erwinhut avatar image
erwinhut answered ·

I loaded the script for my Homewizzard P1 meter but it shows no data.


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home3131 avatar image
home3131 answered ·

Als u rechtstreeks verbinding maakt met het IP-adres van uw PI, wat is dan de JSON-uitvoer?


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