
duclos-laurent avatar image
duclos-laurent asked

2nd hand Cerbo GX purchase - Stolen unit

Hello to all,

I purchase on second hand market ("Leboncoin" in France) a Cerbo GX Unit.

WHen I want to record the unit in the VRM portal, I have a message saying that the unit administrator have been contacted.

As I have no answer, I open a Victron helpdesk ticket and contact also directly the Cerbo GX distributor and seller given by Victron according to Cerbo serial number.

The answer from the Cerbo seller is that this unit have been declared as stolen and he can not help me on this topic.

What can I do (I aslo contact the second hand market seller with those information, waiting his answer)?

Is there any chance to have a support from Victron team?

Thanks for your answers.

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

The original seller/distributor of the unit is responsible for all technical support and warranty claims on that unit so long as the unit has been sold legally and is within its warranty and support period; if the unit has been registered as stolen, however, I would not expect any support on that, for fairly evident reasons.

I'd personally advise pursuing whatever recourse possible against the secondary seller - the one you named, for selling stolen or otherwise illegally procured goods, or if that is unsuccessful then surely there is the option to file some claim with your credit card company (or however you rendered payment) but if all is unsuccessful, then perhaps it will only be a mildly expensive lesson in verifying the sources of your electronics - it certainly could have been worse, as the Cerbo is not terribly expensive even new so surely a secondhand one was a deal.

Best of luck!

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