
richard-u avatar image
richard-u asked

Quattro communication issue

Hi I have a Quattro 10000 230v I have installed a new ccgx with mppt 250/70 solar chargers. All working and latest updates installed vrm all good. But as soon as I connect the rj45 lead from Quattro to ccgx the inverter will not start up. Not even seen on ccgx. All other systems ok? Quattro was new in 2014/15

CCGX Color Control
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Are you Plugging the RJ45 into the VE buss port

do not use the can or the network ports.

otherwise I would update the quattros firmware as thats now at Version 465 using the MK3 or MK2 unit .

note that when you update the Quattro any settings changed in the quattro will be reset to default so make sure you write all the settings down before you update the firmware

also make sure the CCGX is also on the latest FW 2.33

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richard-u avatar image
richard-u answered ·
Not done firmware update on Quattro yet as I’m waiting for mk3 to arrive so I can try it. Yes I plugged in to be buss port. Others can port are used for bmu
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