
drew-watkins avatar image
drew-watkins asked

Cerbo GX dead. 25V power at unit. Any thoughts before RMA?

My Cerbo GX became unresponsive.

25 Volts at power connection, connected directly to AUX on Lynx BMS.

When I disconnect power at the Cerbo, and reconnect,

a brief flash of the blue Bluetooth LED. No further signs of life.

Where can I find low level diagnostics on what a single blue LED flash might indicate.

Powered by AUX output on Lynx BMS. Lynx BMS, batteries, MPPT and all other kit responsive on VictronConnect.

I’ve disconnected all Cerbo connections, and tried to re attach power with no luck.

I depowered entire system for several hours, hoping for a miracle.

Appears a dead unit. I’m looking for final thoughts, or things I haven’t thought about.

Thanks in advance

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Could be a break in the input cable or duff connector.

But does sound like a dealer job.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

I’d try connecting it directly to the dc bus, not via the AUX connection.

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