
Henry Pearson avatar image
Henry Pearson asked

RS485 to USB 4 channel converter

Current setup: Cerbo with single channel waveshare RS485 to USB converter connecting JK BMS to cerbo.

Thinking about adding an ET340 energy meter and connecting via RS485 also.

Is the 4 channel waveshare RS485 to USB converter compatible with Cerbo and recognised all OK?

This one:

cerbo gxrs485
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3 Answers
johnparvic avatar image
johnparvic answered ·

Ooo! That's nice - I would have tried that unit in place of the 4 FTDI cables I have in my setup together with a Waveshare MTT capable USB hub.

Looks like it appears on Linux as ttyACMx devices so you may need to tweak the UDEV rules to get Venus to play nicely with it. Take a look at /etc/udev/rules.d/serial-starter.rules.

I wonder how well it will handle the 4 serial ports being quite active all the time?

Kind regards


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Henry Pearson avatar image
Henry Pearson answered ·

OK, think I'll give it a go and see what the system does. Will only be 2 devices connected, so should be OK.

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Jan Brož avatar image
Jan Brož answered ·

I'm trying to get this to work as well, any luck?

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