
Joka GIMENEZ avatar image
Joka GIMENEZ asked

Stored trends not showing : bug report and easy fix


Just sharing a bug that's been a pain, and the simple fix i finally found, for anyone who may have the same issue!

On my victron smartsolar mppts and bmv712, the stored trends would NOT upload to the app.

Every time i would open the trends page, i would only see the current data appear, starting at the second i opened the device. Every time i closed or disconnected the device, it would clear everything. No access to stored data!

If you have that too, the fix is simple!

Just click on the three horizontal lines button on the bottom (between the zoom and play functions), then "clear all data"

I never thought of that since data was already clearing itself... but now it records and uploads without problem to the trends page for all my devices!

Hope that helps

MPPT ControllersBMV Battery MonitorMPPT SmartSolarstored trends
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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·


Thanks for reporting this and the fix, there were several other questions on the community about troubleshooting this and your fix seems to resolve it for those who have reported back.

I have also passed the information on internally to see if there is a way that this can be prevented from happening in the first place.


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Ken O'Neill avatar image
Ken O'Neill answered ·

I had similar problem with my IP65 500a SmartShunt. I tried this hack, but it did not work.

I can only see trending data from the current, open session in the app. As soon as the app is closed, it starts over again with no trending data on the graph.

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