
smandiol avatar image
smandiol asked

Passtrhu mode stuck and not using solar - 2x parallel Multis II

I have an installation of 2x Multiplus II 5000/48 in parallel, with 3 US5000 Pylontech batteries, plas 2 x smart Solar 250/80 MPPT, and 8.9kWp in solar!

My problem is that with the ESS mode, it gets stuck in ESS#1 and passthru mode in the multis. The thing is, that excess solar energy is not used, neither for load, neither for feeding in the grid.

When I set the ESS to "keep batteries cherged", then the excess soalr energy is used in the correct way.

I´ve seen some discussions about it, but couldn´t find the solution yet.

Here I port some pictures:

1. ESS: "optimized withput battery life" 100% batteries set (just to test), and excess solar is not used.


but then, when i switch to "Keep Batteries Charged", then the solar energy excesss is used for loads, and feeding in:


Multiplus-IIESSbug report
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Have you set minimum soc to 100%?

If so. Please just read the manuals and related posts.

(Don’t set 100%!)

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smandiol avatar image smandiol commented ·
Hi NickDB. I put the value in 95%, 90% and also in 100%. But still do not undesrtand, why it stays so often in Passthru mode, not using solar energy to power the load, nor to feed in excess.

I have read some posts, an also the information is available on the VRM app, and it says that might be due to ESS #1, so BMS does not allow Solar to power the load, but only charge battery... Or I am missing something??

Still not clear...

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nickdb avatar image nickdb smandiol commented ·
Don’t set the soc minimum above 90%. You have a small battery pack for that setup. If the system can’t properly charge with that config, then your system is imbalanced.
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