
Bert Hennephof avatar image
Bert Hennephof asked

Control panel for EasySolar II GX

Some time ago I had difficulties connecting from VRM and Remote console to connect to my EasySolar-II-GX-24/3000/70 (with a LiFePO4 Smart 25,6V 200Ah and a VE.Bus BMS V2). Meanwhile the problem has been solved, but still I am puzzled about possibility to connect a physical control panel.

The "color control" seems to be a possibility, but my dealer says the EasySolar is not compatible with that (although I doubt that). On the Victron site I see the "color control" will be replaced by the "Ekrano GX", but that is a too extensive (and too expensive) solution for me.What about the cheaper "GX Touch 50" or "CANvu GX"?

In the end I just would like to have a "backup" control option, that connects directly to the EasySolar. Which option would work?

EasySolar All-in-Oneekrano gx
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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·
There is no HDMI port on the Multiplus-II GX's for a GX Touch monitor to connect to.
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3 Answers
davidb avatar image
davidb answered ·

hi, I am using an android tablet I connect to the venus wifi from the easysolar 11GX and install victron connect to the android tablet and hit the "remote consol" button and you get the same functionality as a CCGX

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Hi cheapest way is a tablet, coclor control wont work

for a gx touch you need an cerbo or you could use an ekrano but if you do, you need to disconnect the gx module inside the easysolar and need to use the cerbo or ekrano as GX device

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Any GX device should work. Note that the Color Control is reaching end of life. The new gui-v2 will not run on it. You need to unplug the internal GX device that drives the local display and plug in the external GX device via the VE.Bus connection.

You also have the option of running Venus OS on a Raspberry PI but by the time you get a display and all the USB adapters needed the cost may be close to a Cerbo / Touch 50 or Ekrano.

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