
philby83 avatar image
philby83 asked

Cerbo - s GX water tank sensor

Right…. I know this is silly but some time ago I purchased some victron gear to upgrade my camper trailer… stupidly I didn’t double check everything before I screwed everything in the locations I’d set out. ( I know I know ) this isn’t the end of the world.

Unfortunately the time has passed for me to be able to return the Cerbo s and exchange it for the Cerbo GX

I do however have a water tank that I wanted to monitor.. is there something I can use to connect to the Cerbo s GX to enable me to monitor the water level? Is it the is it the Tank GX 140?

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

The GX tank 140 only works if the level signal is either voltage (0-10V max) or 4-20mA, it does jot work on resistance sensors. Another option is to look at the Bluetooth Mopeka sensors.

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