
marcel-dijkman avatar image
marcel-dijkman asked

VM-3P75CT ct rating

Hi, I have a 3x250A main connection. Can I use the VM-3P75CT with ct's with a higher rating? E.g. current ratio 250:5?

Energy Meterctct clamp
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3 Answers
ldoes (Victron Energy) avatar image
ldoes (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi @Marcel Dijkman , it's not possible to use different CTs with VM-3P75CT.

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Mr.Orange avatar image
Mr.Orange answered ·

Idoes is correct. The CTs that come with the VM-3P75CT cannot be changed. Victron calibrates/ tunes them for the meter they are ship with. The larger CTs would overpower the meter. I would recommend looking at the EM530 from Carlo Gavazzi. I purchased my Energy meter with the 250-amp CTs included. The unit is working great. The EM530 is lots faster compared to the EM24 from Carlo Gavazzi.

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Leonard C Taft avatar image
Leonard C Taft answered ·

Thank you Mr Orange and Idoes. Two questions please: 1) what does the reporting information display look like from the EM530 to the Cerbo-GX Screen and VRM? is there any missing data that the 3P75CT captures/displays? 2) Are there any plans for Victron to release additional CTs for the 3P75CT? (100A?, 150A?, 200A?)???

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Related Resources

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Energy Meter Selection Guide