
coalen avatar image
coalen asked

Help Needed Bringing IotaWatt Into Venus Docker InfluxDB and Grafana


I am new to iotaWatt but have it up and running. I currently have an instance of Victron Energy Venus with Docker, InfluxDB and Grafana running on my Multiplus II solar / battery system. Now that I have iotaWatt also running I would like to integrate into my current version of Docker, InfluxDB and Grafana dashboards. Has anyone accomplished this? Can someone help me get started in the correct direction? I am also new to InfluxDB and Grafana. Thank you in advance for understanding and your support.

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2 Answers
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

HI @Coalen

I've not tried this but I would imagine you could just add entries to influxDB that you've got setup in docker and then just follow a standard guide of adding IotaWatt to influxDB and then from there make you own dashboards based off the new IotaWatt data.

The other option is to make your own influxdb and get victron loader and to send data there by setting -e "VIL_INFLUXDB_URL=$VIL_INFLUXDB_URL" \ in venus-loader docker settings.

I had a look in the docker-compose file on victron's github looks like standard influxdb:1.8 is being run so no reason you couldn't just connect to that and just add entries. It looks like the docker-compose file is setup to open the port 8086 so would be the same as connecting to any influxdb i imagine.

Victron has a custom loader to load their data but i dont think that will impact anything. And you could just use the stock influxdb that they're using and add your elements to it. Only thing to note is it's version 1.8 incase IotaWatt mentions any differences in it's guide depending on influx version.

Some useful links in here for getting more familiar with stuff but imagine you've already been through this:

GitHub - victronenergy/venus-grafana: Default Grafana dashboards, for docker solution and Venus OS Large

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coalen avatar image
coalen answered ·

Thank you Matt1309. I will investigate further.

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