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kiwisolarfuture asked

eTower: "BMS Switched off"

Hi all,

Recently installed a Victron Inverter RS Smart Solar with a FW eTower (10kWh), off-grid.

I am using a Cerbo GX and used the special "Victron" comms cable supplied with the eTower to connect the eTower CAN port to the Cerbo's BMS-CAN port.

In the Remote Console I programmed the BMS-CAN port profile to 500kbit/s

Then connected the Inverter RS VE.Can port to the Cerbo VE.Can port with a straight through ethernet cable (and put terminators at both ends of the cable in the open RJ45 ports).

In the Remote Console I programmed the VE.Can port profile to "VE.Can & CAN-bus BMS (250kbit/s).

The Inverter RS display shows "Info: BMS Switched off", and the eTower is not being recharged from the solar.


The inverter part of the Inverter RS is working fine and giving 230V output.

However, the in-built charge controller does not seem to work and is not charging the eTower.

Any idea what I did wrong?

Thanks for your insights! :)

cerbo gxMulti RSfreedom won
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Is the battery displaying on the GX?
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kiwisolarfuture avatar image kiwisolarfuture Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Yes it does.
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


So weird. Does it invert if you cut grid power though?

As a temporary fix, remove battery control in DVCC.

Don't forget to change or reset then reprogram the multi rs as it is not bms controlled.

If the battery is communicating then you will still have information on what is happening.

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kiwisolarfuture avatar image
kiwisolarfuture answered ·

Hi Alexandra, sorry for the late reply. We got it sorted today, with the help from my supplier Taspac Energy.

Turns out you have to choose "Smart Lithium (LiFePo4)" under the Battery Preset options in the VictronConnect app:

>Settings>Battery>Battery preset>Select Preset, then tick "Smart Lithium (LiFePo4)" button.

I don't think this is mentioned anywhere in the manuals. At least I never came across it...

Anyway, glad it's working now :-)

Thanks for your help & suggestions!


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