
belmont avatar image
belmont asked

Different, multiple AC coupled inverters

anyone using different brand AC coupled inverters on Victron Quattro AC out? For example goodwe with fronius or solaredge, etc.

No issues?

AC PV Couplingac out 2
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2 Answers
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

Why should be there n issue, if all support frequency shifting?

The MultiPlus/Quattro take care of it, as long as you respect the 1:1 rule.

Note: Currently I risk my MultiPlus-II 24/5000 by using a Fronius Primo 8.2-1 (16x 410Wp = 6560Wp total) with a Fronius EnergyMeter on the ACout of the MultiPLus-II and a Fronius OhmPilot to see, how the Fronius Primo manage the power going to the MultiPlus-II, which should not exceed 4kW while the Fronius Ohmpilot can take in singel phase up to 3kW.

It will be interesting, if the Ohmpilot has heated up a 1000l IBC to 60degC and the Ohmpilot reduce the power...

What should happen?

If I have still space in my Batteries (70,5kWh) and the MultiPlus-II continue charging and also I have a 230V base load of around 150W on it, the Fronius Primo should continue delivering 4kW to the MultiPlus-II, but reduce its output power when the Fronius OhmPilot reduce its power to the Heating Element.

If there is still more bright sunshine and my Batteries become full, the remaining 4kW from the Fronius Primo should be throttled trough frequency shifting by the MultiPlus-II until the Fronius Primo shutdown.

I also got a used Hoymil and added 1,3kWp of solarpanels and it worked flawless together with the Fronius Primo and MutiPlus-II.

The Configuration is a little bit tricky and by using two or more GTIs on the ACout of a MultiPlus/Quattro I would not allow more then 4kW on a 5kVA Inverter, because the GTIs need somehow time to adjust.

However, if your total PV power on the ACout of your Quattro is lesser then the kVA of your Quattro, then ANY GTI combination would work if ALL support frequency shifting.

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maa avatar image
maa answered ·

My REX is that the Fronius and Victron couple on AC-Out works perfectly, you just need to be careful with the wiring, in its settings and to practice the good rules dictated by Victron.

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