
jacko avatar image
jacko asked

What charger are you using for initial charge of victron lifepo4

I have some 24v victron smart lifepo4 batteries to connect in series, i see in the manual it states they should be charged to 28.4 for volts for several hours just wondering how people are doing this? I have various chargers but i dont think i have one with a settable output voltage unless it has cell info e.g i have junsi smart chargers where it would need to see all the individual cell voltages i dont think this will be possible with victrons batteries. Any tips? Thanks Jack

Lithium Battery
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kai avatar image kai ♦ commented ·

how many are you connecting in series? (manual says only 2x 24v can be wired in series)

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1 Answer
ben avatar image
ben answered ·

You could use a bench power supply with an adjustable voltage range.

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