
mick-finch avatar image
mick-finch asked

What is the GSM Number in the VRM Portal?

We are trying to enter our GSM into the VRM portal for one of our installs. Not sure what exactly the GSM Number is because we have an "IMEI', 'SN' and 'PN' among other things. The GSM manual does not specify what exactly the GSM number is and where to find it.

Also we just connected our GSM to our Colour Control but the VRM portal isn't updating. Could this be because the GSM number isn't entered yet? The Colour Control is set to automatic updates and after manually checking for an update, the Colour Control is updated to the latest version as far as I am aware.

CCGX Color Control
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3 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi Mick,

I am presuming you mean the GX GSM?

Have you followed all the instructions in the manual for that unit?

You do not need to enter a GSM number into VRM, that was for a now-depreciated product.

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mick-finch avatar image mick-finch commented ·

Hi Guy

We have followed all the instructions in the manual. We are not sure why the portal hasn't run any updates or shown any data. I am assuming it should've picked it up almost straight away.


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Robert avatar image
Robert answered ·

did you get this going?

I take it you mean this number, as below.

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

Robert Hoehne

MI Battery Engineering

1565307926683.png (19.4 KiB)
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octafish avatar image
octafish answered ·


Is setting the GSM on the VRM mandatory, for a Victron GSM LTE modem?

I have been troubleshooting my remote connection for far too long now and am still unable to connect. I was able to connect at first.

Any way to Hard Reset the GSM?

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