
carstens avatar image
carstens asked

Multiplus ll, Fronius Symo, last steps

Hi experts

Im close to get my system running, but there are some issues..

Set up:

Fronius Symo 7.0

Multiplus ll 48V, 3000

Cerbo GX


ET340 smart meter.

I can see the Fronius PV om the display, so thats fine.

The problem is the Multiplus keeps charging from the AC grid. I would like the Multiplus ll to only charge when the Fronius is producing. The power consumption is like 300W when in float mode, so thats bad business. On the display I can change to inverting, but its only “feeding” the grid with 42W. The plan is not to do this manually

So there must be some settings I havent seen? (Disable charger, assistents or?)

Hope you can help and thanks a lot.

Cheers Carstens

ess settings
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1 Answer
bonzai avatar image
bonzai answered ·

first, i ám no profi.

how is the fronius conected? AC in / AC out?

Which Battery type + communication

ESS is installed?

Battery life acitivated?

DVCC settings?

ESS settings?

EM340 not perfect for this job, better EM24 or the EM540

normaly you have nothing to do when connected to AC out. Place in the Fronius with Gridcode for Victron, switch the protokoll and thats all.

The ESS Assistent is installed rigth?

You see, a lot of questions, therfore more infos about your system and wiring is needed!

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