
mjs avatar image
mjs asked

How to set Self consumption from battery from Node-Red

Venus v3.10 allows to set Self Consumption from Battery to All system Loads or Only critical loads.

Can I use this feature from Node-Red too? I couldn't find it in the ESS node. Please Help!

ess settings
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11 Answers
jameswest avatar image
jameswest answered ·

Did you get an answer to this? Am having the same issue!

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bmserne avatar image
bmserne answered ·

Same question here.

I'd like to use this setting as well. When I'm not using the EV-charger the default setting for Self consumption from battery should be "All system loads" only when the ev-charger is turned on I would like to switch to "Only critical loads".

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Karl Möller avatar image
Karl Möller answered ·

Bump. Same question.

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jameswest avatar image
jameswest answered ·

Am now on Cerbo GX v3.30 and @victronenergy/node-red-contrib-victron v1.5.15 and still can't find it

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xavier-65 avatar image
xavier-65 answered ·

Hello, I am new here. My setup has been powered on few days ago...

+1 for this topic, I having the exact same need with EV charger in manual mode (mostly at night) and should not be powered by 48V battery. I would like to be able to disable automatically the self consuption mode when EV starts charging the car.

Hope it will come soon!

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xavier-65 avatar image xavier-65 commented ·
Wondering if dynamic ESS algorith would be smart enough to save 48V battery energy for the morning (more costly than at night) so that EV would be charged (at night) on the grid...

If someone has a feedback on that? Thx

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gr4u avatar image
gr4u answered ·


i'm also looking for this option in node red

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xavier-65 avatar image
xavier-65 answered ·

Hello everyone,

I have tried something: Did only two trial, but it seems to be working (at least if EV power measurement is not too wrong // EV conversion factor topic...)

Basically, I take EV power measurement and report it to the grid setpoint so DC battery of the victron system is not drained to the EV. Update rate @30sec, looks enough to me.

Conditions (can be tweaked in the "EV auto grid setpoint" function) :

- works in schedule or manual mode (not in auto mode then).

- Default grid setpoint is 0W

- if DC battery SOC is > 90%, use grid + 3200W of solar energy (random number, didn't search for available solar energy measure info if any...)

- if DC battery SOC < 90% , use grid only

- if using solar energy and SOC drops down < 90%, move to full grid and wait for SOC > 92% to come back to mix grid + solar

Note 1 : tested with multiplusII in ESS mode.

Note 2 : It's my first Node-Red script, please be nice :)

[{"id":"082636088106943c","type":"tab","label":"EV auto grid setpoint","disabled":false,"info":"auto adjust grid setpoint on EV chagrer consuption to avoid using 48V battery power\n\n- only if EV is charging\n- in schedule or manual mode\n- SOC < 90% grid setpoint = charge power\n- SOC >=92 grid setpoint = charge power - 3200w (multi to provide this power)\n- default setpoint is 0W\n\n","env":[]},{"id":"0c40551a298e7b37","type":"victron-input-battery","z":"082636088106943c","service":"com.victronenergy.battery/512","path":"/Soc","serviceObj":{"service":"com.victronenergy.battery/512","name":"Batteries"},"pathObj":{"path":"/Soc","type":"float","name":"State of charge (%)"},"name":"","onlyChanges":true,"roundValues":"no","x":200,"y":60,"wires":[["26b7de59304870d0"]]},{"id":"bc9bc8a30bf465f9","type":"victron-input-evcharger","z":"082636088106943c","service":"com.victronenergy.evcharger/40","path":"/Status","serviceObj":{"service":"com.victronenergy.evcharger/40","name":"EVCS-HQ2245RMAVN"},"pathObj":{"path":"/Status","type":"enum","name":"Status","enum":{"0":"Disconnected","1":"Connected","2":"Charging","3":"Charged","4":"Waiting for sun","5":"Waiting for RFID","6":"Waiting for start","7":"Low SOC","8":"Ground fault","9":"Welded contacts","10":"CP Input shorted","11":"Residual current detected","12":"Under voltage detected","13":"Overvoltage detected","14":"Overheating detected"}},"initial":"","name":"","onlyChanges":true,"x":210,"y":180,"wires":[["4b7784eab6466e66"]]},{"id":"986d024954276190","type":"victron-output-ess","z":"082636088106943c","service":"com.victronenergy.settings","path":"/Settings/CGwacs/AcPowerSetPoint","serviceObj":{"service":"com.victronenergy.settings","name":"Venus settings"},"pathObj":{"path":"/Settings/CGwacs/AcPowerSetPoint","type":"integer","name":"Grid set-point (W)","writable":true},"name":"","onlyChanges":false,"x":1160,"y":280,"wires":[]},{"id":"26b7de59304870d0","type":"function","z":"082636088106943c","name":"global SOC","func":"\nglobal.set(\"SOC\",msg.payload);","outputs":1,"timeout":0,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":550,"y":60,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"4b7784eab6466e66","type":"function","z":"082636088106943c","name":"Global evcsstatus","func":"global.set(\"evcsstatus\",msg.payload);\n\n// if not charging\nif(msg.payload != 2)\n{\n //push 0W grid setpoint\n msg.payload = 0;\n return msg;\n}","outputs":1,"timeout":0,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":570,"y":180,"wires":[["986d024954276190","5a1f47f8bb1f89dd"]]},{"id":"544e97e0f864a164","type":"inject","z":"082636088106943c","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"30","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","x":150,"y":380,"wires":[["7c7f21401ac1472d"]]},{"id":"7c7f21401ac1472d","type":"function","z":"082636088106943c","name":"EV auto grid setpoint","func":"var EVmode = global.get(\"evcsmode\");\nvar EVstatus = global.get(\"evcsstatus\");\nvar BATTsoc = global.get(\"SOC\");\nvar EVchargepower = global.get(\"evcspower\");\nvar ALARMlowsoc = 0;\n\n// if charging state\nif(EVstatus == 2)\n{\n //if manual or schedule mode\n if(EVmode == 0 || EVmode == 2)\n {\n //if SOC\n if(BATTsoc < 90 || (ALARMlowsoc == 1 && BATTsoc < 92))\n {\n ALARMlowsoc = 1;\n //do not use 48V battery nor sun\n msg.payload = EVchargepower;\n }\n else //soc > 90 or > 92 if limit reached once\n {\n ALARMlowsoc = 0;\n // Limit to 3200W output from multi (12A)\n EVchargepower = EVchargepower - 3200;\n \n //avoid injection\n if (EVchargepower > 0)\n { \n //limit multi to 3200w\n msg.payload = EVchargepower;\n }\n else\n {\n // full multi, but avoid injection\n msg.payload = 0;\n }\n\n }\n }\n else\n {\n msg.payload = 0;\n }\n//send new grid setpoint\nreturn msg;\n}\nelse\n{\n //not charging grid setpoint back to 0\n //default 0 value send by status change\n}\n\n","outputs":1,"timeout":0,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":580,"y":380,"wires":[["986d024954276190","95de6814fc7b7849"]]},{"id":"6e47c1f157feadc8","type":"victron-input-evcharger","z":"082636088106943c","service":"com.victronenergy.evcharger/40","path":"/Ac/Power","serviceObj":{"service":"com.victronenergy.evcharger/40","name":"EVCS-HQ2245RMAVN"},"pathObj":{"path":"/Ac/Power","type":"float","name":"Total power (W)"},"name":"","onlyChanges":false,"roundValues":"no","x":240,"y":240,"wires":[["2e1548e4c1ac6bca"]]},{"id":"2e1548e4c1ac6bca","type":"function","z":"082636088106943c","name":"Global evcspower","func":"global.set(\"evcspower\",msg.payload);","outputs":1,"timeout":0,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":570,"y":240,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"95de6814fc7b7849","type":"debug","z":"082636088106943c","name":"debug 1","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"payload","targetType":"msg","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":1080,"y":380,"wires":[]},{"id":"5a1f47f8bb1f89dd","type":"debug","z":"082636088106943c","name":"debug 2","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"false","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":1080,"y":180,"wires":[]},{"id":"17a7457480ae6992","type":"victron-input-ess","z":"082636088106943c","service":"com.victronenergy.settings","path":"/Settings/CGwacs/AcPowerSetPoint","serviceObj":{"service":"com.victronenergy.settings","name":"Venus settings"},"pathObj":{"path":"/Settings/CGwacs/AcPowerSetPoint","type":"integer","name":"Grid set-point (W)"},"name":"","onlyChanges":true,"x":220,"y":460,"wires":[["95de6814fc7b7849"]]},{"id":"e41592e2695970f9","type":"victron-input-evcharger","z":"082636088106943c","service":"com.victronenergy.evcharger/40","path":"/Mode","serviceObj":{"service":"com.victronenergy.evcharger/40","name":"EVCS-HQ2245RMAVN"},"pathObj":{"path":"/Mode","type":"enum","name":"Mode","enum":{"0":"Manual","1":"Auto","2":"Schedule"}},"initial":"","name":"","onlyChanges":true,"x":210,"y":120,"wires":[["0697d5b1e6be98db"]]},{"id":"0697d5b1e6be98db","type":"function","z":"082636088106943c","name":"global evcsmode","func":"global.set(\"evcsmode\",msg.payload);","outputs":1,"timeout":0,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":510,"y":120,"wires":[[]]}]

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Markus Königshoven avatar image
Markus Königshoven answered ·

I`m having th same Issue; it also will be nice, to set it by modbus ;-)

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guillaume-bossuet avatar image
guillaume-bossuet answered ·

any news? same issue here please add this function to node red

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bauer avatar image
bauer answered ·

Please add this to ESS-Control node

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Evan Rose avatar image
Evan Rose answered ·

Same here! ideally this setting via modbus would be perfect

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