
iammotorhomeless avatar image
iammotorhomeless asked

is there a way to run a Multiplus II 48/5000 and a 48/3000 in Parallel ?

I am in the UK so we are talking the 230V versions

I read through the manual and it says that you can run up to 6 in Parallel
and it also says that "Only identical devices may be connected in parallel."

is there a way to run a 48/5000 and a 48/3000 in Parallel ?
they are both 48V...
If I set the 48/5000 as Master and the 48/3000 as Slave to only come on when needed

I would have liked two 48/5000's, but my DNO has told me I can only export 6.9kW !

Multiplus-IIgrid parallel
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4 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

No. You can still opt for the 2 x 5KV with an export limit or better a single Quattro 10KVA and with same. Parallel systems require a 'precision' installation to ensure everthing is well balanced.


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iammotorhomeless avatar image iammotorhomeless commented ·

I should have said, I already have one of the Multiplus II 48/5000
I have just emailed the DNO to see if they would accept 'restricting' the grid output in the ESS software

as this would be better, I think. I'd get 8.8kW from the invertors and battery. when needed.
And I doubt that I will ever export 6.9kw as I only have 4.2kW of solar

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw iammotorhomeless commented ·

They should be fine with it and I think that will add G100. Don't forget that if all loads are supplied on ACOUT, output is 4kW. If loads are parallel and ACIN only connected, you have 4.4kW.

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iammotorhomeless avatar image iammotorhomeless ejrossouw commented ·

I have read something about the 4kW and the 4.4kW but honestly I still have not got my head around the setting...

the nice guy from my DNO, just rang me. they are fine with two 5000 in Parallel, I can have more if I need them, as long as the export limit is less than 6.9kW

I will still be under the G99.
he has told me to just send him an updated G99 form and the diagram, and he'll send me a new approval letter.

Simple as that

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si-mon avatar image si-mon iammotorhomeless commented ·

I'm just about to apply for the same 2x Multiplus 48/5000 on a G99 (through an installer), do you have any more details you can share with your application, we are a little unsure about what to ask for in terms of what to suggest for export power?

I'm in Exeter which I believe is Western power, is that the same area?

If it is Western power you know the name of the person who you dealt with?

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Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·

No you can't as it says only identical units as instructions on parallel systems.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

You have a fundamental misunderstanding about how parallel systems work.

Suggest you read the detailed guide for this which covers restrictions.

As already stated above, It can't be done.

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iammotorhomeless avatar image iammotorhomeless commented ·

thanks... but have you not watched Andy's off-grid garage videos... he runs a Multiplus II 48/5000 and an older Phoenix 48/3000 Inverter together. (yes, not in parallel)

I like to think where there is a will there is a way... but as stated above my DNO has just approved me for two 5000's with an export limit.

so the question is now just academic, thanks

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ iammotorhomeless commented ·

You can cascade etc, many ways to assemble these things, but they cannot be paired in a parallel configuration.

You need to seriously know what you are doing when you get creative, else you can break some expensive pieces of equipment and watch your warranty depart the building.

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iammotorhomeless avatar image iammotorhomeless nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Words to live by...

as the speed at which technology changes now a days... if you don't keep up to date...
thank goodness Victron has these community pages.

I would be lost without them

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fish avatar image
fish answered ·

I previously ran two parrelled 48/5000 but needed more so went to a 15kva Quattro. You might find it easier to install and cheaper to sell your exisitng 5000 and 3000 and just buy a 10kva quattro?

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