
john-j avatar image
john-j asked

Venus software running on Raspberry Pi 3B within the operating system framework

Hello all. Sorry if this has already been answered. If so, please feel free to berate me. ;)

I have looked in to this but with my newly AND limited experience, I'm still at a loss. I have a Victron 100/50 running at my remote property since late August this year. The property is now completely off the grid thanks to my solar system. I bought a Raspberry PI 3B+ about a month ago and installed the Venus OS onto a micro SD card. Using an ethernet to WIFI attachment (IO Gear), the PI connects to my mobile hotspot on my dedicated mobile phone at the remote property. I wasn't sure how to set up the WIFI initially so I just went with equipment I already had which was proven. Also, I purchased and employed the V.E. Direct cable. (Victron Energy VE.Direct to USB Interface) and plugged that cable into PI #1 currently in use at the remote property. Works very well. While at my home 150 miles away, I can link to the VRM portal and "see" the state of my solar system at my remote property. That being said...

I bought a second Raspberry PI 3B+ for learning purposes at my home for myself and my son. I downloaded an OS, updated same, learned how to connect it to my WIFI, downloaded TeamViewer to the PI and remotely connected to same, etc. I tried to download the Venus OS to my 2nd PI's OS but can't seem to make it work. Could not load both simultaneously. I've checked lots of posts, websites, YT videos, etc but I'm at a loss. I have only figured out how to load the Venus OS to the PI OR the raspberry pi OS to the PI but not both.

I would like to have Venus running on the PI but also would like to have the PI do other things and have the ability to remotely log in with TeamViewer to check on/utilize other electronics at my remote property as well as the Venus OS. Is it not feasible to run Venus and PI OS at the same time? Sorry for such a rudimentary question.

Thanks in advance for your direction/education!

Venus OS
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
@John J

Moved to modifications space. Please post your PI questions there.

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john-j avatar image john-j kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Instructions unclear nothing appeared to be moved. I reposted my question in modifications. Does the answer to my question above mean this is a modification? Thanks.
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ john-j commented ·

Not berating, just a polite heads up.

If you look at the top of the page, you'll see it's in modifications. In the community guidelines it does say this belongs here, but there's no better way to make it clear with this software.

Good side is that you got a quick answer to your other post.

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2 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Note on the PI OS: You can not load BOTH OS to the pi at the same time.

If you need the Venus OS functionality, then use this operating system. You can install your own programs and run them in the /data/etc folder. You will need to connect to the pi using SSH over your local network, or add a monitor, keyboard and mouse. Venus OS is by default running in headless mode, which means its default display will not appear on a monitor plugged into the pi.

If you need to switch between OS on the same pi, then you will need 2 micro SD cards.

Also, I believe that the team viewer version for the pi is restricted to a local network only, so will not allow remote access. Try Real VNC instead.

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john-j avatar image john-j commented ·
Mike, thanks so much for replying. I had to pause my reply to let all this information seep into my thick, newbie skull. Your answer that BOTH of them can't be loaded answered my question, thanks. Since this will be run in a location that is not close to my regular location (150 miles), two SD cards won't work. I'll go with the two SD cards in separate PIs until I have learned more programming in order to "You can install your own programs and run them in the /data/etc folder." Very helpful, thanks.

"Also, I believe that the team viewer version for the pi is restricted to a local network only, so will not allow remote access. Try Real VNC instead." - Reading this prompted me to check if TeamViewer will run outside of a local network and it does so that is a good debugging result. I've never heard of Real VNC so thanks for putting that on my RADAR; another learning opportunity for me.

Additionally, I tested my TeamViewer connection from a mobile device to a mobile device which replicated a proof of concept for my remote location. Thankfully, I can control this remote phone via TeamViewer and use the Victron app installed on the phone located AT the remote location to connect to the Venus software on the PI via "local" connection. That will also be helpful! It's an additional gateway but I don't mind because it gives me an additional learning opportunity.

Thanks again!!!

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bradfordharley avatar image
bradfordharley answered ·

To add to Mike's comment above, the Venus OS is a linux os. Depending upon what you want to monitor, you still can use the VenusOS pi as the gateway or viewer. It gets more complex as the "desktop" is the VENUS OS screen which is also accessible via http at it's IP address. You can use console commands if you're comfortable, or install another Pi at the remote location so that you have a normal linux desktop.

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