
billys1337 avatar image
billys1337 asked

VE config pre-alarm/shutdown voltages

Hey all,
Quick question, that is, when a multiplus in DVCC reaches its shutdown, pre-alarm, restart voltage thresholds, what voltage source is triggering this, the DVCC voltage (ie. a smart shunt)? or voltage at the multiplus?
Secondary question, a low voltage alarm mark on the chart (Warnings and Alarms) from the multiplus that shows in VRM , is this alarm triggered based on the pre-alarm voltage set in VE Configure? DVCC? smart shunt? or something else?

Thanks for any help :)

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerbattery system voltage
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Is the system BMS controlled? If not, then it is the inverter settings. Either the ones in ESS or the low voltage pre alarm.

In the VRM the device it came from will tell you on the alarm

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