
gexle avatar image
gexle asked

Gui-V2 -SetupHelper

Hello Kevin
What is Gui V2 all about?
What's new there?
Has anything changed graphically?
I'm running Gui V1, if you can say so, I can install the setup helper normally.
At the moment I have V5.18

Thank you

gui mods
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gexle avatar image gexle commented ·

Hello Kevin ???

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5 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

No reason for concern. All current firmware versions (including release candidates (aka beta)) of Venus OS on all GX device platforms are using the original GUI. So all of my packages currently work on the GX device. I will continue to support systems running the original GUI for as long as practical.

gui-v2 is a completely new local and remote GUI for the GX device family. It has all new graphics and a new interface paradigm. Currently, gui-v2 is only at an internal testing phase of development. Victron will let us know when gui-v2 is available for beta evaluation.

GuiMods, ExtTransferSwitch, ShutdownManager and SetupHelper all modify the original GUI and will not work with gui-v2. Porting my packages to gui-v2 won't be a simple task so I ask for your patience. It will be a complete rewrite to the package and the way it is installed on the GX device.

gui-v2 incorporates many of the concepts provided by GuiMods so it is not clear at this point if any of GuiMods will be incorporated into gui-v2.

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mr-manuel avatar image
mr-manuel answered ·

At the top of this page you can find a search bar. I used it for you:

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gexle avatar image
gexle answered ·
What does that mean if I do the Setuphelper update now then I can select the Gui V2??
I have this installed at the moment
I just don't want to wreck anything


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mr-manuel avatar image mr-manuel commented ·
GuiMods and GUIv2 are two separate things. There was only an issue in a beta version combining both, but this is already fixed.

If you want to upgrade to the latest beta version from Venus OS make sure you have the latest SetupHelper and GuiMods installed before.

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gexle avatar image
gexle answered ·
Hello manuel
Ah ok
No, I want to keep it all that way...
My question: I can still install the updates as normal, right?
As I said, I want to stick with my Guimods anyway!

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mr-manuel avatar image mr-manuel commented ·
Until now yes. Somewhen Victron will change the default to the new gui, but I don‘t know when this will hapen. You have to check the changelog before updating.
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gexle avatar image
gexle answered ·
As long as everything works smoothly, which it does, I won't update Venus OS (V2.93).

I meant the updates that come from you Setuphelper, GuiMods, etc.

Since you always have updates, I can update them again and again without any problems or as long as I stay on my V2.93. As I said, I don't update Venus OS as long as everything works.

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