
maniel avatar image
maniel asked

high grid voltage - frequent disconnection ac in

good evening dear forum

i have an ESS configured with the german grid code with internal NS protection.

my grid exceeds about 5-10x daily the 10min above 253V. however, the grid voltage is hardly above 255V, only in exceptional cases up to 259V.

as a result, my multiplus disconnects from the grid accordingly 5-10x daily.


1. do i have to worry about the relays involved because of the number of switching operations over the years?

2. can i increase the value in the grid code to 255V (i am in portugal, not in DE and basically not feeding in either), or will this have negative effects?


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3 Answers
maniel avatar image
maniel answered ·
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billys1337 avatar image
billys1337 answered ·

If you connect to the multiplus via VE Configure the windows software you should see settable parameters there you can adjust so it tolerates higher grid voltage.
Interesting to see your post as I had to adjust mine just today due to high grid voltage, i guess the cool sunny weather is causing everyone's grid tied solar systems to pump the voltage.

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maniel avatar image
maniel answered ·

thank you very much for your answer.

yes, this can be changed in the grid settings.

my question was more whether this has negative effects. according to the information available to me, certain consumers can become defective significantly earlier than with 230V.

so i will now try to find a solution for the high voltage with the grid operator.

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