
Tony Jones avatar image
Tony Jones asked

Auto start shore power

Is there an easy way to add a device that will detect when my four Pylontech US3000C batteries drop below a certain percentage, then turn on shore power automatically until they're full again?

Our Victron system is mounted on a converted bus, delivering 5kW of 240VAC.

Inverter: MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70-50 with Cerbo GX and Touch 50

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2 Answers
conkev23 avatar image
conkev23 answered ·

I couldn’t find a direct implementation for this but here is a link talking about the assistant needed to setup something similar.
Ignore AC input using the Generator Assistant [Victron Energy]

Here is one possible configuration of assistants in the Multi.


Chapter 17 in the Cerbo manual covers what generator settings are available.

Then wire the relay from the Cerbo to the Auxiliary input on the Multiplus II.

The last step would be to test the setup with different SOC’s

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conkev23 avatar image
conkev23 answered ·

If you are not using the generator start/stop on the Cerbo already you can use assistants and your Cerbo to tell the Multi to ignore AC input until a low SOC and switch to Shore power when it is reached and stop when a high SOC is reached.

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Tony Jones avatar image Tony Jones commented ·
Thanks. Do you know where I can find the info to make that happen?
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