
Tim Chapman avatar image
Tim Chapman asked

VE Bus BMS stops Multiplus from charging.

A Multiplus Compact was charging Victron Lithium Batteries perfectly for 2 years connected to a VE Bus BMS and an Octo GX. Recently the Multiplus looked like it was charging perfectly in Bulk mode but almost no current was passing, (perhaps 3A for a few minutes). A new Multiplus 2 was installed and the behaviour is identical. When the BMS and the Octo GX are disconnected and the Multiplus is programmed to not use a BMS then the charger works perfectly. We suspected the BMS and replaced it but still the same. Also replaced the UTP cables from the BMS to the Multi.

At a loss now as to what can possibly be wrong. Why won’t a Multiplus charge when the BMS is connected but will charge perfectly when it’s not.

multiplus ve.bus
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

check the DVCC settings , also once a BMS is connected then usually the BMS then takes over the charging parameters. ie if a cell goes hi then the BMS tells the multiplus to stop Charging.

Maybe you have a unbalanced battery

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Tim Chapman avatar image
Tim Chapman answered ·

The problem turned out to be a faulty VE Bus port in the Octo GX. Switched to the other port and all is fine.

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