
impala avatar image
impala asked

Washing Machine wmd1050 Frequency spike


i have a multiplus 12/3000/120 .I'm having problems with washing machine .

when i connect to the grid 230-240 ac, every thing works find.

but when running off the inverter , as drum rotor motor starts , after 1-2 seconds .the machine stops,, lights flick very fast off/on. and she waits and tries again..

I notice that the Hz on the Ac line that feeds the washing machine climbs from 50Hz to over 90Hz during the 1-2 seconds of motor engaging before the machine trips off, and tries again..

This Hz increase doesn't happen on the grid connections, Hz stays at 50...

Note, I notice When the system is powering my kettle at the same time, the machine and Hz behave normally..

does anyone know what is causing the frequency to increase?

and suggestions for a fix, settings on the multiplus?

Thanks in advance


running off 625ah 12v batteries. DometicWMD 1050

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3 Answers
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·


Its to do with the washing machine electronic motor control system that upsets the Victron inverters.


Rob D


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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

You have identified what is the common workaround with washing machines that do this, when running them put a resistive load on to damp the system down. Some people find a 100W light bulb works, note this is the older filament type light bulb, not an LED or other low energy bulb.

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

check that the inverter has been set to 50hz it could be set to 60hz and you would only see this when its inverting, its worth a check

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