
michaelnarr avatar image
michaelnarr asked

What database for Node Red on Venus OS?

Hi guys,

I am using Venus OS large on a Raspberry PI with Solar inverter and Muliplus II with a Battery.

I am searching a database which can be installed on the same Raspy than Venus OS. The problem is that it is not possible to install docker or maybe influxDB on this device.

Do you have any idea for me?


Venus OS
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·


Moving to modifications space. Better there.

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3 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered Ā·

SQLITE3 is available, although I've used this with python, I don't know if it works with node red.

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wilm avatar image
wilm answered Ā·

My advise is to use a second Raspi with influxDB. There is a palette with influx-database access for node-red. Reason for using a second Raspi is quite simple: Influx is stressing any SD-card. Usually, even if industrial-grade, a SD-card survives not a single year until the database crashes. Loosing data from the database is a pity, but loosing control of the solar-system is a mess.


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pau1phi11ips avatar image pau1phi11ips commented Ā·

I think this is the best answer. Details here @Michael.Narr

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michaelnarr avatar image
michaelnarr answered Ā·

Thank you, I will try it

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