
ojessie avatar image
ojessie asked

Remove Hot Keys & full screen on LAN access


I'm running the venus os 2.89 on Raspberry PI 4. Everything is fine but is it possible to disable the hotkeys and get full screen on LAN access by Chrom, Edge, etc? Similar to this modification
kwindrem/RpiDisplaySetup: Raspberry Pi 7" touchscreen for Venus OS (also HDMI) ( from @Kevin Windrem

I know this has been already discussed here
HowTo: Disable Hotkeys in Venus Remote Console on LAN - Victron Community (

but it seems not further discussed / considered.

Any help or pointing me to a solution is highly appreciated.

Best, ojessie

Raspberry Pi
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1 Answer
kurtinge avatar image
kurtinge answered ·

Today I did as described in the last link you attached and i worked ok in my v 2.94. I am connecting from a small android-powered device. Had to do zoom to 200%, but the browser is giving me the option to keep that zoomlevel for only this page. Nice and easy

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