
mivester avatar image
mivester asked

Load State of charge into Quattro/Cerbo

I have a Lithium battery setup, where it has built in Modbus and SNMP monitoring of the batteries. Is there a way that I can have the Cerbo controller read in the value coming off of the batteries to show the state of charge?

I have a BMV-712 hooked in right now, but it is not reading out correctly, so I was hoping to be able to get the accurate SOC another way.

cerbo gx
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marcve avatar image marcve commented ·

@mivester. Quote, your Lithium has a build in Modbus and SNMP monitoring interface does not say a lot. A few protocols are supported by victron, same with added software to the Cerbo, and some are not. So, get us some more info, and maybe we can find an answer.

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3 Answers
Trevor Bird avatar image
Trevor Bird answered ·

@Mivester if you didn’t want to get into much complexity perhaps you could pursue why the BMV is not providing accurate results. Why do you draw this conclusion? Perhaps provide the settings and let’s see if that can be improved. The BMV should provide good results.

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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@Mivester as per Trevors comment why not set up your BMV. properly?

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mivester avatar image
mivester answered ·

I will follow the video and see. It is likely that I have one of the settings off on the BMV. It keeps showing just --- for the SOC. The Batteries that I have have monitoring built in to show the exact specs, so I was hoping to be able to just use that as is.

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