
solarbone avatar image
solarbone asked

Why are the VRM diagram and sensor settings so restricted so severely for non admin users?

I found it posssible to manipulate the generator relay control (used it for indication of 100% SOC) but cannot adjust temperature sensor values.
Also it is not possible to arrange or add diagrams in the VRM.

It is understandable that users should not be able to manipulate dangerous settings, but above IS NOT DANGEROUS (except generator control - but that is not restricted!)

cerbo gx
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4 Answers
Trevor Bird avatar image
Trevor Bird answered ·

@solarbone if that is what you want to do, why don’t you just make yourself a superuser?

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Trevor Bird avatar image
Trevor Bird answered ·

What device are you referring to?

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solarbone avatar image
solarbone answered ·

I am referring to Cerbo GX - only activation, name and type of external Temperature sensors (used for Solarmodule- and room temperatures) are configurable, calibration settings (offset) is not active.

In the Online VRM / Erweitert: No diagrams(widgets) can be added or configured (what a mess).

Alternatively i use Victron-Docker-Grafana to show many graphs, but there i find no working dbus adresses for the Cerbo GX temperature sensors (only the Batt-temperature from BYD-BMS).

Cerbo GX, 3x Multiplus II 48/5000 3phase, 1x Solaredge SE10K, 1x MPPT RS450/100, 4x BYD LVL 15,4, Solar-Module ~13kW peak.

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solarbone avatar image
solarbone answered ·

@Trevor Bird - Thank you very much for the hint, I had already used superuser, but was not thinking of it in case of these sensor settings. The calibration settings are accessible now as superuser.

For the configuration of the VRM-diagrams this does obviously not help.

Thank you Trevor!

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