
billgood1 avatar image
billgood1 asked

Boat installation

Boat installation 1.5hr drive to check new 300a/h 12v DIY LIFEPO4 install. Maybe time for VRM. 123Smart BMS signals 100/50 smart mttp via victron non-inverting remote on/off cable plugged into the charger. All good. This provides signal to the charger for on/off. Space is limited & adding Cerbo etc could be a problem. So if the RX port is held up (turned on) would there be information coming from the TX port at the same time to provide information to use the VRM? i.e. Does victron VE direct port provide 2-way comms?

Regards Bill (Ancient Mariner & retired electronics tech)

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1 Answer
hjohnson avatar image
hjohnson answered ·

Yes it does. Depending on what you want to play with, you could also look at a raspberry pi running venus-os. However, by the time I added up all the adapters I needed for my boat’s setup, it was just cheaper to get a Cerbo.

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