
gergodrabik avatar image
gergodrabik asked

Best 4 or more usb capable hub for cerbo Suggestions needed (EUROPE buying)

Hello all!
I would like to have in this topic some new suggestions which usb hub is good and recommended for cerbo.
What is used by others?
I am looking for an 8 connection possible hub and buying from
But it would be nice to know which is good and working also if we can get some recommendation for usb wifi cause the asus-rt one which was suggested as I see no longer available.

cerbo gx
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1234enough avatar image 1234enough commented ·

I used this one on multiplus-ii, worked fine.


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2 Answers
gergodrabik avatar image
gergodrabik answered ·

Thank you. Then I will order some. It is not that expensive. :) Only thing that it is 3 splitter. I am looking for a 4-8 splitter

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1234enough avatar image 1234enough commented ·
It is a 4 way, port is also on end of it
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Jeder stinknormale USB Hub sollte funktionieren, da gibt es im Grunde keine großen Ansprüche dran.

Wir haben bisher immer 0815 Hubs verwendet.

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