
Paul B avatar image
Paul B asked

Any Update on the Mopeka Tank Sensors Intergration into the Cerbo GX

Hi Just seeing that this integration seems to be very close. is there any beta integrations that work that can be looked at.


cerbo gx
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1 Answer
benm avatar image
benm answered ·

63e00c751693d11df10a33d3_APPROVED.Victron Energy PR.2.2.23.pdf

Victron Energy announce support for Mopeka
sonar tank monitoring sensors
The update enables Mopeka® Pro Check Water and Pro Check Propane/LPG
Sensors to operate on the Cerbo GX and other Victron GX Models, further
extending their market leading monitoring technology.
New Braunfels, TX | February 7th, 2023

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