
bowbilly avatar image
bowbilly asked

RS -450 for 24v system

I have 48v inverter system and also have 24v system. I am totally off-grid. Was thinking about getting a RS-450 charge controller. My question is if my 48v system had to go offline or goes down, is there anyway to use the RS-450 to charge my 24v battery banks while the 48v system is offline?

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Bowbilly,

Unlike the other SmartSolar range of MPPTS which can be programmed to other voltages, the RS range is strictly a 48V only model.

Depending on HOW your 48V system fails, for example if its just the inverter the fails, but the battery bank is working ok. Then you could get a 48V to 24V DC to DC charger to trickle from the 48V to 24V bank.

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