
projectwaterlily avatar image
projectwaterlily asked

Can you put a relay on/off button on the main screen if its set to 'manual' ?

As title really... I'd like to use a relay on 'manual', but the control is buried in the menus... can it be put on the home screen so i just toggle on/off button?? I'm hoping to control my Webasto from it... thanks!!! this is on a Cerbo GX

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Look at my GuiMods. It places a new overview page to control relays.


The number of relays shown depends on the platform. Only 2 for Cerbo, only 1 for CCGX.

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projectwaterlily avatar image
projectwaterlily answered ·

thats just the ticket, thanks... I'll pop over and see how i do that, but thanks so much!!!

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