
jerothle avatar image
jerothle asked

Time to go on GX Touch 50

Hello, is there a way to see "time to go/time remaining" (amperage remaining) on the GX touch 50 with Cerbo GX? I have the SmartShunt 500 connected using a cable to the Cerbo GX. I can see "time remaining" on my android phone using Victron Connect. Is a BMV-7xx still needed? Thank you, JeffThe MultiPlus 3000 (the inverter in this picture) is connected to the Cerbo using the MK3 USB cable.

cerbo gx
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4 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Unfortunately not in this screen, but if you go to the device list and select the SmartShunt there you should see the time to go.

Why do you have connected the Multi via a MK3 and not directly into a VE.bus port?

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jerothle avatar image
jerothle answered ·

Still learning.

Yes, now plugged into VE.Bus.

Maybe in a future firmware-"time remaining" on main screen?

Thank you Matthias.

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tymonboot avatar image
tymonboot answered ·

I too wish for this on the main pages screen, as my boat is now electric and the shunt is my main, distance at a particular boat speed estimator. Victron,if you are listening please

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

I added time to go on some of the overview pages as part of GuiMods. This is a third party package I developed to provide more information on the GUI:

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