
mikaeln avatar image
mikaeln asked

vedirect-interface on Raspberry Pi OS bullseye?

I have installed according to the guide at, no warnings or complaints and the vrmlogger seems to be working since I was able to register and get a dashboard at, but some directories and files seem to be missing, and the vedirect-ebus complains about a missing Is there a workaround or should I downgrade to Pi OS buster?

Venus OS
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
@mikaeln Moved to modifications space.
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iuri avatar image iuri commented Ā·

I'm working on getting the mk2-dbus package to work on bullseye. I managed to install it, along with all the dependencies. I'm running Bullseye 64 bits on a raspberry pi 4, so I had play with multiarch settings and such. About the, I managed to install it by adding the deb sources of buster, since bullseye only has

The problem I'm facing now is that mk2-dbus is throwing a weird error, and I assume it's because of the directories and files missing that you mentioned. Can you tell me the directories and files that you had to fix?

For context, the error I'm getting when running mk2-dbus is:

/opt/victronenergy/mk2-dbus/mk2-dbus -s /dev/ttyUSB0 -t mk3 -v --dbus session
000.007 WRN.vebus_items: no device associated with item, refusing to update!
000.007 WRN.vebus_items: no device associated with item, refusing to update!
000.010 ERR.task: veDbusAddRemoteService failed

And I'm using an MK3-USB dongle, connected to the Pi.

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2 Answers
mikaeln avatar image
mikaeln answered Ā·

I got it to work on Raspberry PI OS buster. The files and directories are still not as described in the guide, but I realized that the target content for the service files is actually fully described, so it was only a matter of creating some files and directories. I did not get the libevent missing fault, but it was necessary to add libevent-pthreads, and then vedirect-ebus runs.

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iuri avatar image
iuri answered Ā·

I got it working on Bullseye, there are two things to consider though, one of which took me a while to figure out.

First, you'll need to add the Buster stable apt repo to be able to install the libevent-2.1-6 library. That's quite easy, just run the following:

$ echo "deb buster main contrib non-free rpi" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/buster.list
$ apt update
$ apt install libevent-2.1-6

That's for Raspbian ofc, but the same applies for plain Debian.

The problem that got me stuck for a while longer was the error I posted in a comment above.

/opt/victronenergy/mk2-dbus/mk2-dbus -s /dev/ttyUSB0 -t mk3 -v --dbus session
000.007 WRN.vebus_items: no device associated with item, refusing to update!
000.007 WRN.vebus_items: no device associated with item, refusing to update!
000.010 ERR.task: veDbusAddRemoteService failed

Turns out that for the `mk2-dbus` and `vedirect-interface` services to work properly, you also need to install `localsettings` as well, as the other DBus services depend on it. Normally if you follow the wiki page on installing Venus packages on Debian verbatim, you'll first install `vrmlogger` which has an explicit deb dependency on `localsettings`. With `localsettings` installed, everything works properly on Bullseye.

Later on I decided to give it a try and run those services Venus services as Docker containers, which should give me a cleaner and more dynamic setup, and I can then run together with my Home Assistant Docker install. Works like a charm. You can find the images I created here. Hope it helps.

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