
js2401 avatar image
js2401 asked

Feature Request - Cerbo GX Generic Digital Input Option

It would be great to have the option for a generic digital input with the "invert logic" and the ability to rename it. Also to have the given name show up on the device list and VRM for easy identification. For example: I'd like to connect a couple battery combiners so I can see their status.

Related would be the preference to see the custom name given to devices to be the primary string shown on device list and VRM. At the moment it is device type and, with more than one, it becomes a bit confusing to distiguish. I've posted this on a separate question earlier.



cerbo gx
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1 Answer
js2401 avatar image
js2401 answered ·

Just found out I can use one of the existent options like "Generator" and rename it to become specific to other application. So, the option is already there but not clear in the manual that this could be done.

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