
eliott avatar image
eliott asked

Can anyone explain how the default route and gateway selection work with eth and wifi connected


I have a system with a Raymarine display connected on the Ethernet and a Wifi router connected over - well - Wifi. The problem is that the whenever the router / cerbo restarts, it takes hours until the cerbo realises that there is no Internet on the ethernet and it should route over wifi. Does anyone know how the internet detection is supposed to work and what script does that in the background?

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
colin-jones avatar image
colin-jones answered ·

I have a cerbo with both eth0 and wifi connected, but I can't give you any helpful information.

It seems a bit random as to which interface it will use for cerbo initiated traffic, and when it will swap. ifconfig shows packets and data increasing on both all the time, although some of that is responses to external requests.

Certainly if one interface goes down all traffic moves to the active one.

How does the eth) route get its gateway address. You could possible manually set the default route via wifi, or specific routes for vrm (or whatever network traffic you are missing).

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