
jasonclipper avatar image
jasonclipper asked

Waveshare SIM7000X NB-IoT HAT

I'd like to add a SIM7000X NB-IoT HAT to your setuphelper.
The hardware spec is published here:
I have installed setuphelper, the module is recognized out-of-the-box in Venus OS large 2.90 with vendor ID 1e0e:9001. The device is displayed in the remote console as "Device List / Settings / GPS " and "Device List / Settings / GSM - Modem".
So far so good.

1/ GPS
By issuing a "/bin/echo -n -e "AT+CGNSPWR=1\r\n" > /dev/ttyUSB2" in the root shell, I get the GPS-out data into the Venus gps-dbus/remote console.
Can you / how do I add this to to your script?

2/ What do you recommend regarding the LTE Cat-M functionality?
Is GSM - Modem appropriate or should I better add a new device class?

I confirm the CAT-M connection is working with a 1nce SIM card by issuing a series of AT commands (documented on 1nce website) or via libqmi (qualcomm msm interface) on Raspi OS ver. buster and bullseye.

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1 Answer
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

you could add the commands to /data/, this is run at every boot.

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