
simon-h avatar image
simon-h asked

AC in to Multiplus 2

So we are installing the Multiplus-II into our boat. The AC shore power is 16amp and the cables are 4mm2 (12 AWG) the book says that the AC cable into the Multiplus should be 16mm2 (6 AWG) I just want to check that there is no benefit to it being 16mm2 and that 4mm2 will be ok as it is matching the rest of the incoming cable?

Thanks :-)

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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Simon H

The larger wire it meant for higher amp connections as in house wiring, especially if you intend to make full use of the transfer capability.

As long as you are sticking to your 16A for your connection your wiring should be fine. Higher amps than that equals hot cables and insulation breakdown.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Just make sure you have an appropriate breaker ahead of that cable and you will be fine. Also set the input current limit of the Multi to avoid tripping the breaker

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simon-h avatar image
simon-h answered ·

Awesome thanks guys :-)

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