
sveandphi avatar image
sveandphi asked

Secondary Touch 50 on dashboard to see awning, poptop, door state


we have a Sprinter Van with Touch 50 in the coach, Cerbo GX, and awning, poptop, rear doors, etc.

We would like to see the state of some door sensors when in the driver seat, to avoid driving away with open pop top, extended awning, etc (which we can't see from the driver seat).

Is there a way to do this via the all-Victron system our van already has?

  1. What door sensors would you use that play well with the Cerbo?
  2. What is the best way to realize a secondary dashboard screen* without making it a big engineering/coding project?

Any other ideas or pointers welcome, including to outside the Victron ecosystem. But a Victron solution seems the most desirable of course.

Thanks for reading,


* I've read here that a secondary Touch 50 causes problems. I hypothesize it might be the confusion from the CEC channel on HDMI that sense the touch inputs. Since I wouldn't need to operate on of the Touch 50s, could a HDMI splitter work, that splits out the CEC channel from the secondary screen? e.g. like this one:

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
johanndo avatar image
johanndo answered ·

You could add hdmi displays at the same resolution by a splitter, but it would be easier and cheaper to use a device with a web browser to display the remote console instead (Smartphone, tablet,your Navi system if it can be networked via LAN / WLAN ...)

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