
scottd avatar image
scottd asked

Inconsistent input voltage to MPPT

Hello All,

I have a smart solar 1600 that includes 100/50 mppt.

I have 4x200w panels configured 2 parallel and 2 series strings.

The problem i have is the sparatic voltage coming into the system Any ideas what could be the cause?

1.pngscreen grabs from a 6 minute log


The system is on the VRM portal. The portal lags a bit compaired to my phone on BT but that is expected.

I might add the guy next to me on the weekend was getting a consistent 32 - 34 watts at the same time. his was consistent without the fluctuations i could see. no cloud.

EasySolar All-in-One
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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·

Hi @ScottD

Guessing somewhat without more info, but it seems you're using a flat charge V (Float/Storage?) on both your Multi and mppt. And while you've turned off the ACin to test the mppt, it's just continuing on with a maintenance charge, holding the same V (and SOC).

These are small figures you're showing, and if you want to test your solar, run the batts down a bit overnight, or even put on a heavy load so that the mppt has a target to attempt to reach.

I think you meant to say you have an EasySolar unit, and guessing Li batts. Maybe you also need a little balance time at higher V on those too? The multi could also be left on all the time if you lowered it's target setpoint slightly below the mppt's, so then the mppt would dominate when the sun is up. Or you could even use Assistants in the Multi to switch off the ACin when it isn't really needed (down to a set V or SOC), and to leave some room in the batts for the solar.

But I'm guessing as to what you want to achieve. If these things fit, ask how..

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snoobler avatar image snoobler commented ·

"Show Detail" and include the entire dashboard.

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2 Answers
scottd avatar image
scottd answered ·


grabbed over a 15 second period

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
Input voltage looks stable.

How much sun are the panels getting? Shade? Clouds? Driving through trees/tunnels/overpasses?

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scottd avatar image
scottd answered ·

Thanks Guys for the help but i found the problem. It was a polarity issue with one of the strings.

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