
solaxz avatar image
solaxz asked

Multiplus II GX connect with touchscreen GX Touch 50/70?

Can you connect the touchscreen GX Touch 50/70 to the Multiplus II GX?

The datasheet on GX Touch says you connect it to Cerbo GX, but I could not find any info

about connecting it to Multiplus II GX (which has 1 usb port)

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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

There is no HDMI port at the MultiPlus GX, so you can't connect the GX Touch to it.

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zeron avatar image
zeron answered ·

Without an HDMI port the best alternative is using a cheap tablet to load the console in a browser (the Fully Kiosk android app is very helpful for such use cases)

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