
Jeff Jensen avatar image
Jeff Jensen asked

will cerbo gx use battery temp from smartshunt with temp sensor?

I have the smartshunt and the BMV712 temp sensor connected to it. Cerbo gx is on the way. Will the cerbo use the temp from the smartshunt and distribute it to the smartsolar and multiplus devices?

cerbo gx
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3 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Your going to need a VE Direct cable to go between the BMV and Cerbo.

And you need to read about DVCC and STS.

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

Yes if connected as klim8skeptic mentioned to share data.

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Jeff Jensen avatar image
Jeff Jensen answered ·

Thank you, I read that, the smartshunt is not listed. I don't like to assume but in this case I guess I can assume since the smartshunt uses the BMV sensor it will be listed. Will it show as smartshunt or BMV? Again thank you for responding.

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