
mrhappy avatar image
mrhappy asked

Grid feed-in without ESS


Just a few quick questions for those in the know.

1. Is it possible to feed in DC overvoltage into "AC in" with a Multiplus-II 24/3000/70-32 WITHOUT using an ESS assistant?

2. If no, is it possible to program an ESS assistant so it does not really do anything? (I have my own designed system in node-red doing everything it does except grid feed-in.)

3. If yes on Q1, can I turn on and off grid feed-in with ModBus address 65 and set limit with address 66 without the ESS assistant?



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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @MrHappy

this is not possible.

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