
sportswagoneer avatar image
sportswagoneer asked

Connecting Gobius non-continuous tank sensors?


I’m considering adding Gobius external sensors to my black water holding tanks. These work from outside the tank, using active signaling for short bursts of measurement, indicating 1/4, 1/2 or 3/4 filling level (one sensor for each) when a button is pressed. The unit can then output a standardized resistance measurement - and they publish a guide for connecting this to the Cerbo GX.

My worry is that since the measurements are done in short active bursts, the tank-level might simply return to zero after the active measurement period - or when the unit is turned off. This would make connecting to the GX of limited value. If on the other hand - the GX can be set to remember the “last active measurement” then the system would work perfectly!

So how does the Venus OS deal with resistive tank sensors that come and go?

Or does anyone have any experience with the Gobius or other similar sensors?

tank monitor
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1 Answer
Jan WellergÄrd avatar image
Jan WellergÄrd answered ·

Hi have a Gobius 4 (version 5) sensor for my black water tank. Gobius measure at certain intervals but retain the output in between (there are also a simple diode gauge coming with the sensors) that shows the current level.

I had it connected first via a YachtDevice tank adapter (NMEA2000)and it was discovered by the Cerberus and shown in the GUI. As Gobius is an active sender (not a simple restive sensor) I think you need be on the more recent versions in order to hook it up directly to the Cerbo.

Now the YD device broke and I replaced it with a KUS adapter, but that is not showing up on Cerbo. Data is indeed shown on the NMEA network, so the issue lies with the Cerbo. I will give it a shot to connect it directly to the Cerbo and drop the KUS adapter according to the info on Gobius site.

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