
sjh126 avatar image
sjh126 asked

Vrm readings

img20220710145801.jpgHi there I wonder if anyone can help with my problem. I have a 48/5000 multiplus 2 fitted with 3.65 of solar imputing on the grid side of the multiplus. Yesterday I moved some of my circuit's to the protected output side of the multi. I now seem to have a lag in the AC loads displaying, which is a minor problem I guess. But today is a sunny day and the solar is producing a pretty steady 2.77 KW but the totals of power including grid export within the vrm display only adds up to 33 watts. Where is the solar going?! Any help would be greatly appreciated

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1 Answer
sjh126 avatar image
sjh126 answered ·

A quick update. I have just switched off the solar iboost and now the grid export is correct. But it is prioritizing grid export rather than charging the battery!

The iboost clamp is on the correct side of the et112. As in smart meter side and everything was working correctly yesterday. The only thing that has changed is moving some circuits over to the protected side of the multiplus screenshot-2022-07-10-15-38-02-46-bc2aea2f1887607a.jpg

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