
Ryan avatar image
Ryan asked

EasySolar 24/3000/70-50 150/70

Hey guys

I'm looking at getting this all in one unit but have a few questions about it. Is there a place I can read the full manual as I can only find a manual for the 12 or 24v 1600VA units.

I see that there is a pretty standard MPPT 150/70 controller in it but is it the bluetooth version or not? How do I program all my battery settings on the unit

Is there any communications ports or bluetooth on the inverter charger portion for monitoring and configuration?

Does the CCGX have all the standard ports for connecting more solar controllers and a BMV? What ports are already being used for the inverter and charge controller

Last thing is I need to incorporate temperature measurement into the system and have it talk to the charge controller and an extra smart solar that I will be adding. Will the smart battery sense work in combination or is there a better option

Any help would be great

Thank you

EasySolar All-in-One
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·
a The Easysolar are simply boxes with standard Victron components inside, prewired and depending on model, with trip switches, DB, Colour control. GX.

Components inside are generally programmed individually.

MPPTs are usually Bluetooth, this is used for MPPT programming.

Charger /inverters usually need an MK3/USB interface and a Windows pc. If you have a GX device, you can do some/most programming through that.

Manuals are downloadable from the product page on the web site. But you may only find individual component manuals. The inverter charger is either a multiplus or multiplus compact.

Hope this helps.

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