
dbainbridge avatar image
dbainbridge asked

Quattro won't turn on when connected to VE.Bus

I am starting up Quattro 5kVA 48V for first time and if I have the Victron RJ45 cable cable connected to the Cerbo GX in the VE.Bus port the Quattro does not turn on. No LED lights are displayed. If I disconnect the cable then the Quattro immediately will turn on when flipping the switch to "on". Firmware on Quattro is 49X (need to verify exact version but is 49 something) and Cerbo GX is also updated. Batteries are fully charged.

Strange part is if I connect the VE.Bus cable AFTER the Quattro has already started up it then properly shows up even in the VRM. If I turn the Quattro switch back to off and then on again after this it does not turn on.

Things I have tried:

  1. Other VE.Bus port on Quattro and Cerbo GX
  2. Another Victron cable
  3. In Venus OS it shows Quattro not connected so even when I try clicking on the button to change the state to "on" in Venus OS it reverts back to off after leaving that screen.
MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
dbainbridge avatar image
dbainbridge answered ·

@JohnC @EwaldErasmus I figured out how to fix it. I have to go into Venus OS, select the Quattro device, then Advanced and click on "Redetect System". Immediately after doing that the system turned on. Also verified by turning it off and on again and came right up with VE.Bus cable still attached to Cerbo GX when it wouldn't before. Maybe there is bug in Venus OS (I'm using latest) that is preventing Quattro from turning back on after firmware update?

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ewalderasmus avatar image
ewalderasmus answered ·

Hi @dbainbridge , are you sure you are not connecting the RJ45 to the ethernet port on the Cerbo? Its something I have seen before.

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dbainbridge avatar image dbainbridge commented ·
Yes, I am positive since I have the Cerbo connected to internet via ethernet cable already plugged into ethernet port.
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dbainbridge avatar image dbainbridge commented ·

I updated to latest firmware (497) and still has the issue. I also found out that if I try turning the Quattro on with the VE.Bus cable connected to the Cerbo GX which results in the Quattro not turning on but then removing the cable with the switch still in On position the Quattro then immediately turns on. Is there some communication happening with the Cerbo GX that is telling the Quattro not to turn on?

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ dbainbridge commented ·

@dbainbridge I haven't seen this, so just random thoughts..

CAN also uses the same type of port. With a terminator plug when it's in use. But don't use a terminator on VE.Bus.

There's another way to turn a Quattro off within the GX, the MarineMFD app. Access it by typing "venus.local/app/" in a browser. Unlikely, but (part of) it looks like this..


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