
acke-ee-retired avatar image
acke-ee-retired asked

Does a Multiplus have a small load even not in use?

Installing new batterier and before any batteri was connected I measured Ohm between plus and minus plints. Just checken. Yes, a connection!

Taking away cables I see that it is my Multiplus (24/70/3000 VE from around 2014)

So, a small load is not good in my book? Normal or a malfunction?

The Multiplus is not on, not connected to 230V. I am fully aware of the normal load of around 1.1-1.3 amps turned on but not the inverter in use etc.

My first post, apologize as english is not my language normally but I do know an Ohm-meter

rgds / Acke

multiplus ve.bus
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4 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

As per the equipment specs, every inverter/charger has an idle(zero) load.

If you have additional devices, like a GX, then you will see a bit more.

The old multis are around 20W.

All normal and many posts on this subject here.

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acke-ee-retired avatar image
acke-ee-retired answered ·

Thank you. New here and will search.

But the 20w I am aware of, as I wrote. This is the Multiplus in total off, not connected to anything but the plus and minus posts, no batteries connected.

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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Installing new batterier and before any batteri was connected I measured Ohm between plus and minus plints

If I am reading your question correctly, the capacitors in the multiplus will read as a near short.

You can pre-charge the capacitors in the inverter as to avoid a high inrush current.

Dont forget to properly fuse your battery..

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acke-ee-retired avatar image
acke-ee-retired answered ·

Ahhh… capacitors! Of course, did not think about that. Thanks.

My system should be ok now.

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